
By aiming to take the life quality to an upper level with the whole realized Projects, Homepark continues to be the address of luxury.

Kyiv | G. Stalingrada Avenue, 6 Vilnius | Antakalnio St. 17

© 2020 Homepark | Real Estate & Luxury Homes
Project of Implement Rehabilitation and Furnishing Works for the Headquarters of Water Transport and Technologies Company

Project of Implement Rehabilitation and Furnishing Works for the Headquarters of Water Transport and Technologies Company

Waja Company announces the award of the project to implement the rehabilitation and furnishing works for the headquarters of Water Transport and Technologies Company (WTTCO) on the 34th floor of Altayyar Towers. The value of the project is 4,697,360.55 SAR, including VAT. The project is scheduled to be completed within 3 months.